Le livre blanc de l’UE sur le climat et l’énergie à l’horizon 2030: une opportunité manquée!

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Le livre blanc de l’UE sur le climat et l’énergie à l’horizon 2030: une opportunité manquée!

Le livre blanc de l’UE sur le climat et l’énergie à l’horizon 2030: une opportunité manquée!

Klima-Bündnis Lëtzebuerg Download 22 janvier 2014

Dans un communiqué de presse, l'Alliance pour le climat s'est montrée très déçue quant à l'engagement faiblissant de l'Union européenne dans les dossiers climat et énergie. La commission européenne a en effet publié un livre blanc très faible sur ces sujets le mercredi 22 janvier. Le communiqué de l'Alliance pour le climat ci-dessous en anglais.

EU’s climate leadership at stake – today’s missed opportunity

The most awaited White paper on the 2030 framework on climate and energy policies was launched today showing Europe’s ambition for the next decade. Instead of seizing the opportunity to affirm the urgency for Europe‘s energy transition, the White Paper puts EU’s climate and energy policy on hold.
If EU’s climate and energy policy were to be in line with climate science, a more ambitious binding target for CO₂ emission reduction – than 40 % – would have been imperative. Non binding targets for renewable energy at national level and no energy efficiency target are only demonstrating the low level of ambition on climate action.
The Greek Prime Minister A. Samara, when stating the Presidency’s priorities, said that “the crisis showed us that we need “more and better Europe”, a Europe of stability, confidence and growth. Climate Alliance argues that climate action is an opportunity for economic recovery and local action has a huge potential in light of green economy and job creation. Local authorities together with their citizens and stakeholders will play a crucial role in achieving a competitive and prosperous Europe.
Ambitious climate action means working together – only by joining forces can the major transition that we are all living today be ensured. Climate Alliance fully supports the action organised by the NGOs today who sent out a Climate “SOS” to European leaders in front of Berlaymont building in Brussels, asking them to put EU's climate policy back on course.
The Climate Alliance target (reducing CO₂ emissions by 10 % every five years and halving per capita emissions by 2030) is a motivating and driving force for our members – encouraging the municipalities to go beyond what is easy and conventional, and setting ambitious policies. In addition, the Covenant of Mayors initiative has now almost 5,500 signatories and more than 3,300 Sustainable Energy Action Plans are under implementation. The Covenant of Mayors signatories are aiming at reducing their CO₂ emissions almost by 30% by 2020 (See Covenant indicators here) by implementing actions on energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable transport – thus exceeding already the objective set by the EU for 2020. This action takes place locally and it must be supported also beyond 2020.
However today, the EU's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% below 1990 levels by 2050 seems very far away – and out of reach.

Monica Sirbu, Communications and Policy officer, m.sirbu@climatealliance.org

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